

Congratulations to Sir Haji Ahmad Zakie bin Tuan Haji Ahmad Shariff, Director of UMP Holdings Sdn. Bhd, Chairman of  Saracorp Investment Committee Member. On appointment as Professor Adjung, University of Malaysia Pahang. ⠀Tahniah diucapkan kepada Tuan Haji Ahmad Zakie bin Tuan Haji Ahmad Shariff, Pengarah UMP Holdings Sdn. Bhd. di atas pelantikan sebagai Profesor Adjung, Universiti Malaysia…


private equity


Understanding Private Equity (PE)

You’ve probably heard of the term private equity (PE). Roughly $3.9 trillion in assets were held by private-equity (PE) firms as of …

December 10, 2020


Venture Capital Vs Private Investment

Are private investors and venture capitalists one and the same? No! There are distinct traits and criteria that distinguish the two. Are …

October 8, 2020


Private Investment 101:A Primer

The study of a company is not the study of a dead body. It is not similar to an autopsy. It is …

October 8, 2020


Patient Capital

The latest conditions that have assailed the fund management industry – the new normal, tough global markets, and economic uncertainty – have …

October 8, 2020